Interview Questions With Answers

Interview sample questions common type is given below. The answers are included. But perhaps suggestions for customizing responses is a better way to say it because concrete answers are impossible to give. Practical answer these interview questions out loud for you, or ask a friend or relative to help you.

Do not feel obligated to respond immediately. Researchers know that you are nervous and ask you to think a little, so think carefully before answering. But please do not hesitate too long or demonstrate that they have stalled. Interviewers ask open questions to see where to go with them, try not to walk while you are thinking of a real response.

Tell me about yourself.

This is the dreaded, classic, open an application and interview are likely to be the first. This is your opportunity to demonstrate their skills, work habits, etc. Keep all work and career opportunities.

Why would you quit your current job? (Why did you leave your last job?)

Pay attention to this. Do not dispose of other employers and making statements like: "I need more money." Instead, give general instructions such as: "It 's a career."

What are your strengths?

his list of positive attributes associated with employment.

What are your weaknesses?

Everybody has weaknesses but do not spend too much time on it and take related work. With a minor weakness or two, try to highlight some weaknesses that the interviewer could be considered strengths, as is sometimes a bit too careful with the quality of your work. (Avoid saying "I work too hard." There is a predictable, common answer.) For every weakness, offer a strength that compensates.

What adjectives would you use to describe yourself?

With a positive response. Related to work-oriented adjectives, such as the description of consciousness, hardworking, honest and friendly, and a memory or example of why each fits you well

What do you know us?

To answer this, the research firm before the interview.

Why work with us?

Same as above. Research the company before the interview. Avoid the predictable, such as: ". Because it is a great company," Explain why you think it's a great company.

Why should I take?

his list of positive attributes associated with employment and a job well done in the past. Include the praise he has received from management.

As previous studies have given you satisfied?

Briefly describe the nine projects of fifty-two works made you proud or earned caressing the back, promotions, raises, etc. focus on the implementation of the reward.

What makes you want to work?

Of course, material rewards, such as benefits, salaries and benefits come in. But again, focus more on the success and satisfaction you derive from it.

What kind of work environment do you like most?

Personalize your response to the work. For example, if you work, you need to lock the lab doors and work alone, then you want to be a team player when needed, but fun. If you have an obligation to participate in the planning of projects and regular meetings of the state declares that it was a strong team player and I want to be part of the team.

Why do you want this job?

To answer this and related issues, research in the ads in advance. But the job may not be enough, so it is fine to ask for a job when you reply. Say what attracts you to work. Avoid the obvious and meaningless, like "I need a job."

How do you handle pressure and stress?

It's like a double whammy because you probably already stressed in the interview and the interviewer can see, if properly used or not. Everybody feels stress, but to varying degrees. Say you complain to retire, which eliminates the dog or kill a fifth of Jack Daniels are not good answers. Exercise, relax with a good book with friends or turn stress into energy production is more than the correct answer. "

Explain how you overcame a major obstacle.

The interviewer is probably looking for a specific example of problem solving and pride that show to solve it.

Where do you see yourself in five years (ten or fifteen) years?

Explain to the promotion of career goals that are consistent with the work that will be interviewed. Your partner is probably more interested in how to enjoy the company intends to achieve your goals as you can get from him, but intend to do much. This is not a good idea to tell your boss new opportunities to go after work, but remember that you want to earn leadership or management.

What entitles you to this offer?

All your skills, experience, qualifications and others, especially those that match the job description well. Do not regurgitate your resume. Explain why.

Why choose a career?

The interviewer is likely fishing to see if you are interested in their field of work or simply do a job to get paid. Explain what you like. In addition to their personal interests, including showing the rock-solid business reasons for having the vision and business vision.


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